Hundreds of passengers traveling by Finnair have taken to voluntarily weigh themselves alongside their carry-on bags before they board.

This is done prior to traveling, which is now being introduced as a practice by various airlines across the continent.

The aim of this new rule is to ensure that the airlines in question are able to improve their ability to refine weight estimates for airplanes.


As per sources, around 800 people who volunteered to weigh their weights along with their luggage at the Helsinki Airport as a trial were given reflective tags. These were to appreciate their participation in the test.

The relevant authorities took to pointing out that the weight and personal information of all passengers would continue to remain confidential, despite the tests.

The senior vice president of communications of Finnair, Paivyt Tallqvist, released a statement on the matter, saying that everything is going to be kept anonymous.

Moreover, she revealed that the staff member who is monitoring the process will be permitted to see the data.

According to her, the airline decided to collate the data regarding the average weight of passengers and their carry-on luggage to ensure accuracy.

She revealed that the refined estimates of weights will allow aircraft to maintain their balance and performance calculations for the safe operation of flights.

The plan

As per the responsible airport authorities, the airline is planning on weighing no less than 12,000 passengers for the winter season alone. A large number of people will also be tested for the upcoming winter season.

As of now, the first phase of the trial is underway, which began on the 5th of February, with around 800 passengers participating in the test already.

The senior vice president of communications further stated that the survey was sent out to Finnair customers through social media channels.

It was also distributed through the mobile app, and the first volunteers wanted to participate even before the appropriate equipment had been set up.

It is no secret that the trim and weight of an aircraft have a substantial impact on where the passengers can be seated.

Thus, the airlines take it upon themselves to calculate the weight of people on board, which also includes baggage and cargo in the hold.

The Civil Aviation Authority has issued additional instructions to calculate the center of gravity for the passengers.

Normally, airlines use passenger weight directives, which has been issued by the European Aviation Safety Authority to take measurements.

On the other hand, certain airlines, like Air New Zealand and Korean Air, tend to have their own system of measuring weight.


Since 2018, Finnair has been using its own measurements for the overall weight of people and luggage on the plane.

Consequently, it updates the methods after every five years. As of now, it is collecting data for summer and winter seasons both, as the clothing preferences of passengers tend to change to adapt to temperatures.

The winter readings will last until the end of February, while the summer ones will be conducted in the months of April and May.

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