European Union recorded a total of 34% of overall tourist nights spent in various member states in the months of July and August in the previous year.

As per the latest report published by Eurostat, the EU agency, August came out as the peak month in terms of overnight stays.

This included around 75% of all EU regions that are classified under level two of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS 2).

Consequently, these areas dominated no less than 170 of the overall 242 NUTS 2 regions in the EU.


In terms of overall tourist night stays, July followed close behind and took the first place in 62 regions in the EU.

This included a large chunk of the northern region of the EU, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, and some parts of Belgium.

In addition, a unique trend was observed within a total of 15 coastal regions in Greece, Croatia, France, Bulgaria, Romania, Sweden, and Italy.

It was revealed that over half of the tourism nights in the EU region in these countries were spent in the months of July or August.

Consequently, these two months have managed to stand out as the paramount period for a boom in the travel and tourism sector in these specific regions.


On this note, the EU Agency of Statistics pointed out that in one out of five regions, over 40% of the total yearly nates have been spent in July and August.

The organization further noted that Calabria in Italy became the EU region with the most significant seasonality and thus recorded 64.8% of tourist nights in the two given months.

Italy is followed by the coastal region of Romania, Sud-Est, which recorded 64.5% of the total tourist nights.

Moreover, the Bulgarian regions of Yugoiztochen displayed a figure of 64.3%, and Severoiztochen managed to take away 60.9%.

The Croatian region of Jadranska Hrvatska snagged 60.2% of the total tourism nights that stood out the most as one of the most visited regions in the entire EU.

On the other hand, regions with the lowest seasonality in the union showed diversity where the peak months for tourism nights are concerned.

Thus, Mayotte in France noted the lowest seasonality throughout the member states of the EU, with a total of 18.8% of tourism nights in 2022 taking place in March and May.

Other regions

This trend in seasonality was followed by various other areas throughout the EU, which included the Polish region of Warszawski Stoleczny. It snagged total tourism nights of 19% in the months of June and August.

Communidad de Madrid, the Spanish region, took 19.2% of total tourist stays in the months of June and October.

Meanwhile, the French Island of La Reunion recorded 19.8% of total stays in the months of August and October.

Lastly, Canarias, a popular tourist region in Spain, had 20% of total overnight stays by visitors in July and August of the previous year.

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