Travelers from Brazil and China have shown the highest level of concern regarding the tourism infrastructure present in the various countries of Europe.

This was revealed after the Long-Haul Travel Barometer survey of six key markets of Europe, which is annually conducted by the European Travel Commission (ETC).

When asked about the choice of holiday destination and the factors they consider, visitors stressed upon the importance of safety.

This was true for 41% of the 1,000 respondents from each country, making personal safety the primary consideration for the visitors.

Tourism infrastructure

The second most important criterion for choosing an overseas holiday destination was identified by 40% of the interviewers.

According to them, high-quality tourism infrastructure is vital when considering a country to be a vacation spot. This was especially emphasized by travelers from Brazil and China.

Of the total number of people who consider the high quality of tourism infrastructure before choosing a holiday destination in Europe, 44% were Brazilian and Chinese travelers.

Australian travelers were not far behind in this criterion and stood at 39%, while travelers from the US and Canada occupied a share of 36% each.

Meanwhile, 32% of visitors coming in from Japan emphasized the need for high-quality infrastructure for tourists.

The quality of tourism infrastructure is crucial when it comes to helping improve the experience of visitors.

It includes various elements, ranging from organizational to physical, which are vital in shaping the experience of tourists in different locations.

Tourism infrastructure also has an impact on the various aspects of a traveler’s stay and encompasses activities and attractions that contribute to the unique appeal of each destination.


Both Brazilian and Chinese respondents, who showed a strong interest in high-quality tourism infrastructure, opted for France as one of the best destinations in Europe they hope to visit.

This comes as no surprise as France is believed to be a leading destination for many. It is believed to be a choice for most tourists from various countries.

This is evidenced by the fact that in the year 2022, the country welcomed a total of 79.4 million tourists from overseas.

Consequently, France was chosen as the top destination by Chinese respondents as well, with 47% of them stating that they would want to visit it.

On the other hand, travelers from Brazil also said that they would want to visit France, but it was the second-most popular destination for the people of the country.

45% of the Brazilian respondents picked Portugal to be their destination of choice, while France was chosen by 37% of the travelers.


When making plans to visit Europe, travelers from China and Brazil display diverse interests in the activities they are hoping to experience.

For Brazilian visitors, history and culture are primary interests, followed closely by gastronomy experiences.

The latter stands at 42%, while 37% of respondents are planning on enjoying activities common to city life.

Conversely, travelers from China tend to prioritize gastronomy experiences, with 40% showing significant interest.

32% of the people from the country went on to opt for city life activities, which included street art.

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