Starting from May of the current year, flight prices in Germany to various foreign destinations have been reported to record a surge.

This will be due to the relevant government authorities deciding that the same aviation tax that is applied to passengers taking outbound flights will not be levied this time around.

Consequently, the authorities decided that they would not increase the aviation tax but would be increasing the prices of flights.

Price hike

According to sources, this initiative is being taken as part of Germany’s plan to address a deficit of no less than €17 billion, which showed up in its budget for the current year.

It was further noted that the deficit was a result of a decision taken by the constitutional court of Germany.

The court deemed that the initial budget plan was not lawful because it improperly allocated the unused coronavirus funds to the climate transformation fund.

Irrespective of the aviation industry of the country not accepting the hike in prices, the cabinet gave the go-ahead for its implementation.

As of now, the law is expected to be approved by the Bundestag in the upcoming months of this year.

It was later disclosed by the German Federal Ministry that as soon as the new law is levied, the prices will rise.


Consequently, people flying from Germany to other locations within the EU, EFTA countries, EU candidates, as well as third-world countries with a distance of 2,500 km will have to pay higher flight prices.

As of now, the prices of tickets are standing at €12,73 but will be increased to €15,53 once the price hike is implemented.

Moreover, the aviation tax for locations that have a distance of over 6,000 km will also be increased from €58,06 to €70,83.

As a result, passengers will be required to pay more to purchase flight tickets as the new aviation tax will be passed onto them in the form of rising prices.

However, not all travelers will be a part of this new scheme of increased prices.

It was revealed by the German Federal Ministry of Finance that children under the age of two who do not have assigned seats will not be liable to pay the rising prices.

In addition, flights being taken for medical or military purposes will remain at their current prices and be exempt from any aviation taxes.


As of now, the country has some of the most crowded airports on the continent. Every year, millions of passengers come and go from these and take flights to and from numerous locations across the globe.

It was recently reported that Berlin Airport alone saw a total of 23.07 million travelers in the previous year.

This high number of passengers in the 12 months of 2023 is representative of a 16% surge in travelers as compared to 2022.

Back then, the airport reported that no less than 3.22 million passengers passed through its terminals.

Moreover, in the last couple of months of 2023, the airport reported that it had millions of travelers due to peak season.

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