As per the latest CityDNA Barometer Report, drawn by ForwardKeys, has revealed that the European travel and tourism sector is likely to end the current year on a good note, especially due to its final quarter.

The report, which uses the most recent air ticketing data, revealed that Southern European destinations are close to achieving their pre-pandemic levels.

According to ForwardKeys, these locations have a high probability of locking this milestone in the last three months of this year.


Cities like Athens and Lisbon have shown a remarkable increase of 13%, where arrival numbers for the last quarter are concerned.

This number is followed by Madrid, which witnessed an increase of 9%, and Istanbul saw a surge of 4%.

Milan recorded the smallest percentage increase, which was 2%, in the number of arrivals in the final quarter.

In the first nine months of 2023, Athens demonstrated a notable increase of 6% in traveler numbers as compared to the figures recorded before the pandemic.

Consequently, Lisbon had managed to match the pre-pandemic tourist arrivals in the same quarter.

As per the Vice President of Insights at ForwardKeys, Olivier Ponti, the seating capacity for international visitors to Europe almost reached the pre-pandemic numbers in the third quarter of 2023.

Thus, the final quarter of the year is likely to show an upward trend, which will be a much-needed stimulus for the sector to take off once again in the continent.


Moreover, the travel market in Spain has been recorded to be rebounding faster than the global average.

Studies have indicated that the country significantly bounced back in terms of its cultural tourism. The numbers are now close to surpassing the levels recorded before the pandemic.

Where departures to other European destinations are concerned, the numbers have gone up by 6%, as compared to the corresponding period in 2019.

Ponti is also of the opinion that air travel demand and capacity spike will aid Southern European countries to record pre-pandemic levels.

The statement made by Ponti went on to reveal that due to the air supply garnering additional demand, the overall volumes for arrivals have been forecasted to go up significantly.

Consequently, he believes that in the final quarter of 2023, the countries will manage to hit the mark, if not exceed it.

Other destinations

On this note, various other destinations in Europe, such as Rome, Dublin, and London, have also been making steady progress.

They have now made it onto the list of the most improved locations to travel to in all of Europe.

As of now, London and Dublin’s visitor arrival numbers are just 2% behind that of the levels recorded before the pandemic.

On the other hand, Rome has showcased only a 3% decrease in the figures as compared to the pre-pandemic numbers.

Countries and their relevant authorities are highly optimistic about the final quarter of 2023, where the recovery of the tourism industry is concerned.

They have strong expectations from the travel and tourism sector in the European Union, believing that it will potentially close 2023 with numbers up to 98% of the pre-pandemic levels.

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