A recent report published by ForwardKeys, a well-known travel analytics firm, revealed some of the busiest airports across the globe.

Dubai was ranked at the top of the list of the World’s Busiest Airports due to the large number of flights that have layovers in the city.

Top airports

According to the report, of the top twenty busiest airports in the world, 11 of them are located in Europe alone.

Where Dubai International (DXB) is concerned, it has managed to maintain global leadership, especially when it comes to the departure numbers of international passengers.

This number showed a sharp decline, along with the numbers recorded in airports across the globe during the pandemic.

However, the numbers have more or less recovered in 2023 and are soon going to cross the levels recorded before 2019.

Dubai’s recovery

There is no denying that DXB has swiftly recovered due to the resurgence of travel in the various countries in Europe, India, and North America.

Moreover, the forecast for outbound seat capacity for the future also looks promising. It has been gradually recovering, especially due to long-haul travel from China.

As per the report, the recovery of tourism in other countries has been a major contributor to the increasingly impressive performance of the airport in Dubai.

In the first half of 2023 alone, Dubai registered a total of 41.6 million visitors to its airport. With this number, the city surpassed the levels recorded in the first half of 2019.

Back then, the total number of passengers recorded in the airport was 41.3 million.

When comparing 2023 data with that of 2022 for the first six months of the year, the figures for the previous year were significantly low.

From January to July 2022, Dubai’s airport recorded an influx of 27.9 million passengers in total.

Due to its strong performance after the previous year, Dubai has made adjustments to its previous forecast for the current year.

The city now believes that it will be handling no less than 85 million passengers by the end of 2023, with a majority of the people traveling to and from Europe.

This new prediction from Dubai Airport is only 1.6% less than the traffic recorded in 2019, which stood at 83.6 million.

As a result, the airport has managed to portray its recovery and resilience despite being held back by the aftereffects of the pandemic.

Other airports

Hammad International and Istanbul Airport have also managed to demonstrate substantial growth where international outbound traffic is concerned.

As a result, they have managed to become important contenders in the aviation landscape of the world.

On this note, Marina Guiliano, the VP of Brands, Retailers, & Media, has talked about how airports throughout the globe need to use a forward-thinking approach when it comes to data.

Consequently, she believes that the data provided by her organization can aid airports in making important decisions, such as identifying passengers, terminals, and airport demographics.

This will aid the relevant authorities in taking decisions that help boost their ROI and offer the greatest growth potential.

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