Portugal has been named as the top destination for long-haul travelers to the country from Brazil.

Consequently, it was found that 1,000 Brazilian respondents wanted to include Portugal in their travel itineraries for Europe.

This was revealed in a survey known as the Long-Haul Travel Barometer, which was conducted by the European Travel Commission (ETC).

Using the Long-Haul Travel Barometer, the ETC strives to gather insights related to the travel intentions of long-haul visitors.

It collects information by conducting no less than 1,000 interviews online across six prominent markets, which include Canada, Brazil, Australia, Japan, the United States, and China.

Other destinations

Where popular destinations in Europe for Brazilians are concerned, 37% of the respondents stated that they would want to visit France.

Meanwhile, 34% of the long-haul travelers hoped to include Italy in their travel itineraries, while 26% planned to visit Spain.

Lastly, 18% of the survey respondents revealed that they would want to visit Germany in the near future.

As per the findings of the Long-Haul Travel Barometer, Brazilians have several reasons for wanting to visit Portugal during vacations.

They further added that their preferred activity in the country is to immerse themselves in the rich history and culture of Portugal.

Consequently, 47% respondents aspire to travel to Portugal to visit historical landmarks and experience the culture and traditions of the country.

On the other hand, 42% of the respondents said that they want to visit the capital of Lisbon for gastronomic experiences.

Meanwhile, 37% of the travelers from Brazil added that they want to enjoy common city life activities, such as exploring street art.


According to the Brazilian respondents of the long-haul travel barometer, they share a deep cultural and historical connection with the Portuguese.

Thus, Portugal feels like a second home to them, especially since they have a shared heritage and language as well.

There is no doubt about the fact that the allure of Portugal lies in its diverse landscapes, rich history, and jovial people.

From vibrant cities to beaches and ancient castles, the location offers a distinct blend of entertaining experiences.

Its cuisine, which features dishes like sweet egg tarts and seafood soupy rice helps add an additional layer of charm for visitors.

In recent months, however, there has also been a growing interest in Croatia among Brazilian respondents.

The survey revealed that a significant number are thinking of visiting Croatia by the time 2023 comes to an end.

As a result, the travelers are likely to exceed the levels recorded in the same period back in 2022.

Travel preferences

It is believed that the shift in travel preferences is not due to the allure of the destinations themselves, but because of the choice of transportation as well.

There has been a substantial shift in the preferences of Brazilians when it comes to cross-country travel services.

Low-cost airlines and their flights are gaining significant traction. Thus, they have successfully managed to overtake the other travel options, indicating an increase of 13% in comparison to the previous year.

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