The Talayotic Menorca, a site located in Spain, has been added to the World Heritage Sites list of UNESCO.

It is the 50th location in the country to become a part of the list and was specially chosen by the World Heritage Committee of the organization.

The Spanish government

The Spanish government revealed the good news by releasing a statement and highlighting various achievements of the country.

It went on to add that feats like these allow Spain to become one of those countries that have the majority of the assets on the World Heritage Sites list.

Consequently, various landmarks of the country being on UNESCO’s list is an ode to the richness, diversity, as well as quality of its globally recognized heritage.

Moreover, the government further revealed that various other sites in different countries were placed on the list during the meeting of the Committee.

This included the addition of ancient Jericho, which is often referred to as Tell es-Sultan, to UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites.

The location had been presented by Palestine, and thus, is a significant achievement for the country.

In addition, the prestigious recognition was also granted to the natural area of the Odzala-Kokoua forest, which is located in Congo.

After the placement of Talayotic Menorca on the list, the Spanish Government also credited the Consell Insular de Menorca for promoting the candidacy, which handles all the affairs related to the landmark.

The government applauded the efforts made by the Ministry of Culture of Sports, Consell de Menorca, and the autonomous government of the Balearic Islands to ensure that the country could achieve this feat.


According to relevant authorities, Menorca has one of the highest densities of prehistoric archaeological sites in the world, which are inhabited within its territories.

Where the Tayalotic Menorca is concerned, it is often referred to as the Odyssey of the Cyclopean Island.

This is because it offers a comprehensive representation of the culture of the island, as well as its unique architectural heritage present here.

Sites chosen

In the words of the government, a number of prehistoric sites and monuments have been chosen from all over Spain, which date back to the Bronze Age and the period of the Roman occupation.

These range from funerary spaces, sacred places and sanctuaries to settlements, which have all been kept in excellent condition.

In addition, the government added that Talayotic Menorca is an excellent landmark for people to gain remarkable insight into a prehistoric culture that has its roots deep in the heavenly realm.

Relevant people from the government further noted that this collection is especially extraordinary due to its harmonious coexistence with different cyclopean constructions maintained by the inhabitants of the location over time.

In its words, multiple monuments perfectly integrated into a Mediterranean landscape, which has not shown any significant change throughout history.

The commendable thing about the Mediterranean is that it has managed to retain features that are reminiscent of the distant past.

It was further revealed by the government that Spain houses no less than 17,199 cultural assets of substantial interest distributed throughout the country.

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