Denmark has introduced a new facility for aviation organizations whereby they will be able to report incidents digitally with ease.

This will become effective from the 1st of January, 2024, according to the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority.

The authority further added that necessary changes are currently being negotiated and will be finalized on the 22nd of October.

Aviation organizations

Currently, the aviation organizations have been made aware of the changes. Up until now, they would report incidents and issues to the Swedish Transport Agency in writing.

However, any issues related to aviation safety, including those related to airports, air traffic services, and airlines, will be reported through a digital solution.

This new digital file has been made available on the Swedish website for aviation organizations to access.

When the Danish Transport Agency proposed the idea for consultation, it also suggested that all flight agencies should report incidents in the same manner.

It has added a digital solution option on its website and expects the aviation authorities in the country to report incidents through it.

This is indicative of the fact that from 2024 onward, no authority in the country will be able to report flight safety incidents through E5x, where they would previously send a form.

Consequently, all the data of the incident would reach the Swedish Transport Agency, as it previously has.

Transport agencies

According to the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority, the introduction of a digital solution directly impacts BL 8-15, which is connected to EU regulation number 376/2014 for reporting, assessment, and follow-up on aviation incidents.

The authority stated that the consultation is currently in progress and hopes to finish all consultations by the 22nd of October.

Additional help

The Danish Transport Agency has asked aviation organizations to assist in the implementation of the digital solution.

They have been invited to contact the analysis department of the agency, with a deadline being set for the next month.

Moreover, it has been revealed that any incidents that take place in the railway area will be reported through a new e-reporting portal in an attempt to improve the data collection of the country.

This will also be a way to enhance further the railway safety in Denmark, which has been lacking lately.

Each year, especially in the first quarter, railway companies, as well as infrastructure managers, would report incidents or accidents that could have had a severe impact.

The incidents and issues reported would pertain to the previous year and according to the transport agency, this practice will continue to exist.

The Swedish Transport Agency confirmed that it will be adding a technological upgrade in connection to the data collection of all incidents reported.

The purpose of this e-portal is also to ensure that all data has a better basis for working, and the past data can aid the organization in boosting its existing knowledge.

According to the agency, the retention of past data will additionally help strengthen the focus on the safety of the railway.

A recent report also revealed that, as of now, cars are the primary means of travel in all European countries.

Only a few locations, such as Sweden and Switzerland, use trains efficiently, with 13.7% of the travel made possible by railway.


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