The Portuguese government has warned its residents and foreign travelers present in the country to protect themselves from extreme temperatures.

For this reason, it has issued a couple of official recommendations and implemented National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) alerts.

These suggestions from the government come shortly after the relevant authorities revealed that the country is at an increased risk of devastating fires.

Advice from DGS

As per the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), locals should search for air-conditioned and fresh environments within their homes.

They have also been advised to remain in these specific areas of their homes for at least three hours of the day.

Furthermore, the DGS has encouraged people to increase their daily water consumption and try to avoid alcoholic beverages as much as they can.

Additional recommendations from the authorities include using good-quality sunscreen and applying it after every two hours.

Direct exposure to the sun has been made strictly off-limits, especially in the afternoon hours when the sun is at its peak.

Where clothing is concerned, locals and tourists alike have been advised to put on only opaque and loose clothing that covers their entire body.

They have also been suggested to wear sunglasses and hats along with putting on ultraviolet protection.

Outdoor activities

In the case of people who take part in outdoor activities, the authorities have suggested that they find indoor alternatives.

Any activities that are carried out outside the house in the heat and require extreme physical exertion have been largely discouraged.

This means that people have been told to avoid leisure activities and sports until the foreseeable future.

According to the DGS, these guidelines have been strongly encouraged to be followed by the elderly, children, pregnant women, and the chronically ill, for their own safety.

In addition, parents have been warned to make sure that their children remain in cool and airy environments and hydrated at all times.

Another government suggestion also states that children below the age of six months should not be taken outdoors in direct sunlight.

Risk of fires

At the moment, Portugal is facing an increased risk of fires due to extreme temperatures.

However, the new forecasts have revealed that after a couple of days, the overall weather in the country will cool down.

As per ANEPC, Portugal recorded the highest number of fires in the month of August.

These translated to around 80 ignitions on the 5th of August, followed by 113 fires on the 7th of August.

The authorities further revealed that four people were evacuated from their homes in Nelas, because they were experiencing high levels of anxiety.

The reason cited for their rising anxiousness was being forced to remain in a support area of the municipality in Senhorism. However, they have now returned home.

Similarly, three children and an individual with reduced mobility, were removed from a village, namely Carvalhal de Baixo in Ourem as a precaution.

But it was later revealed that they were returned to the safety of their homes shortly after once their anxiety levels showed improvement.

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