Visiting Aktobe Can Be A Delight For Visitors

Aktobe is more like an industrial city in Kazakhstan. It lies in the most eastern European part, on the banks of the River Ilek. This Kazakhstani city is a fast-growing young city through gas and oil exploration. While there might not be too much for tourists to do or see in Aktobe, it interestingly exemplifies how Kazakhstan has tried to develop new towns. Due to the rapid growth, the city is likely to host one million people by 2030. Aktobe has a vast administrative region, spreading from the Ural Mountains to the Karakalpakstan’s Kyzylkum desert.

Sights of the City

Aktobe has an old town near the railway station. It also comprises a new city with many administrative buildings, shops, and markets across Abulkhair Khan Avenue. Let’s check out both sides of Aktobe.

New Aktobe 

The new phase of Aktobe city is more like a low-rent Astana. It has stretched boulevards and expansive newer developments. You can drive along the famous Abulkhair Avenue to check out the Orthodox Saint Nicholas church and the Nur Gasyr Mosque. Do not forget to visit the small art museum and the park landscape there.

The FC Aktobe football Stadium is worth visiting for its construction beauty.

A small park facing the city hall pays tribute to World War II fighters, especially those who were Aktobe’s citizens. These include a girl-hero, Aliya Moldagulova, who retains her popularity even after Kazakhstan discovered its freedom. You will find her memories in a museum, bazaar, and a statue on the street dedicated to Aliya Moldagulova,

Old Aktobe 

The old Aktobe comprises calm and tree-lined avenues. Begin your sightseeing from its old yet fully equipped railway station and keep moving along beautiful Kereev street to view the Regional Geological Exhibition. These attractions in old Aktobe may make you bored. If so, visit Planetarium to experience something unique in the country.

Cretaceous Mountains & Fossils 

It is a notable attraction near Aktobe. Driving through a series of mountains like Sankibai, Akbota, Peak Kulshara, and Aktolagay will take you to out of Place Mountains that came into existence from calcified mineral deposits 75 million years before the past. Tourists can easily find fossils of long-extinct species from this awe-inspiring landscape. Finding frequent shark teeth is not uncommon. Since this mountain series is toward Atyrau and joins an extended off-road itinerary in the western side of Kazakhstan, get ready to experience bumpy roads.

The Irgiz-Turgai

The Irgiz-Turgai Reserve is a delight for those individuals who love natural beauty. This reserve is an assortment of steppe lakes. The waters attract a rich collection of 170 bird species like flamingoes.

Tombs in Aktobe 

The Aktobe region has many historical tombs spread across its territory. These mausoleums pay homage to the great historical men of Kazakhstan. You can visit tombs of Molasy, Isatai Taimanov, Eset-Daribai, and Abat-Baitak in Aktobe. Abilkhair Khan, Kotybar Batyr, and Kobylandy Batyr also have their last resting places in the territory of Aktobe.


Staying in Aktobe is fun with rental apartments. You can go through online reviews to ensure the reliability of the hosts. Several mid-range hotels also spread across the city.

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