Fun Things To Do On A Trip To Wroclaw

Wroclaw is just as unusual and unique as its name. You may not know it, but it is pronounced as ‘Vrots-Wahf’. Modern life has swept over the city but, it has managed to keep up with its old-world charm. Hundreds of bridges, brightly colored mansions, as well as river islands, have earned Wroclaw the reputation of being the equivalent of Venice in Northern Europe.

However, the most interesting thing about this city is the gnomes that you will find on almost every street. The place is even more quirky than its name! Here is a list of all the fun things that you can do on a trip to this fantastic city in Poland.

  1. Explore Rynek

Rynek, or Market Square, is the heart and soul of this grand city, which sits right at the center of the old town. After the Second World War, the old town, as well as this area, was completely revamped and restored.

The prime time to visit this place is during Christmas. You will be in complete awe of the hubbub of the market, the twinkling lights everywhere, and the wafting smells of numerous Christmas spices.

In addition, make sure to visit the Wroclaw Town Hall. It took construction workers almost 250 years to build the gothic structure. It houses one of the oldest medieval restaurants on the entire continent.

  1. Visit the Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene

The Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene is located in close proximity to the main market square in Wroclaw. It is one of the best churches that are situated in the area.

However, what sets this red-brick church apart is an open-air bridge, connecting the two towers, which are 72-meters tall, each. This is a defining, yet fear-testing feature that has increased the popularity of this site.

If you talk to the locals about this place, they will tell you that this particular bridge, also known as the Witches’ Bridge, was often used in medieval times to distinguish amongst the witches. The witch in question would be asked to walk the bridge and if she fell to her death while crossing, she would be deemed as liberated. But, if she crossed the bridge without falling, the authorities would sentence her to be burnt at stake and accuse her of being guilty of one crime or the other.

You, on the other hand, can climb the tower and arrive at the bridge. It offers some of the most incredible views that the city has to offer. In addition, you will also find some well-known gnomes at this location.

  1. Go Hunting for Gnomes

You will find hundreds of carved dwarf sculptures throughout all of Wroclaw. This is because back in the 1980s, an anti-communist movement carried out multiple protests against the actions of the Soviet government. The dwarf was the official symbol for the protests.

In the year 2001, a decade after the Soviet Union was divided, the first-ever dwarf sculpture was created in order to memorialize the protests. When you visit the city, you will find more than 300 dwarfs in various areas of the city. Be sure to download a map in your phone of all the locations where you can find these dwarfs. Spend a cool summer day in the city looking for these gnomes. It will be your own treasure hunt and you can explore Wroclaw too.

  1. Wander on the Tumski Bridge

Tumski Bridge is often referred to as the most romantic site. It is the lovelock bridge that was constructed in the 19th century and connects Piaskowa Island to Cathedral Island. You will see padlocks upon padlocks here, placed by couples who have sealed their love together.

It is a stunning place to enjoy the view of both sides of the river and, read the short and sweet love notes that have been engraved on the padlocks. Make sure that you take out some time to walk along the Oder River. Here you will discover more than 100 bridges and over 20 small islands.

  1. Enjoy the Scenic Beauty of the Botanical Gardens

Once you arrive at Cathedral Island, you cannot leave without paying a visit to the Botanical Gardens. It is a grand and stunning place with bridges, ponds, as well as luscious plant life. It was set up by the Wroclaw University to allow researchers and students to analyze the various types of plant life that exist. Make sure to enjoy the scenic beauty of this place and the flora and fauna. You can also revel in the peace that the garden brings in the midst of a busy day of sightseeing.

  1. Stroll in the Cathedral Island

This site has been deemed to be one of the most beautiful and oldest parts of Wroclaw. It is pleasant to go for a stroll here. The main church in the city, the Cathedral of St. John, the Baptist, is also situated on the island. It has two incredible and majestic spires. Take the elevator straight to the top and admire the views.

  1. Look for the Lamplighter

Cathedral Island turns into one of the most romantic parts of the city when the sun sets and night falls. The entire island and all of its streets light up with original gaslighting. In addition, the lamplighter dresses up in a fashioned hat and cape and comes every night to ensure that all the 103 streetlamps are lit. He lights up every single one of them himself.

Wroclaw is not only a city that is rich with historic symbols but, one that has a perfect touch of romance. If you are looking for a romantic getaway with your partner, this is the place to be. In addition, nature lovers and people looking to spend some time away from their busy lives are surely going to appreciate everything that this stunning city has to offer. So, go online and book a ticket for yourself right away!

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